Material Icons

AdminPro Free NuxtJs Admin Dashboard

streamlined dashboard solution with our Vuetify 3-based template. Featuring diverse page templates, versatile UI components, and seamless customization, it's a responsive choice for your projects. No support provided. Customize with ease.

Flexy Bootstrap Admin Lite Free Bootstrap 5 Dashboard

iscover the power of Essential Admin Lite, a fundamental Bootstrap 5 dashboard template. With its versatile UI components, responsive design, and Material Icons integration, it's an ideal choice for modern admin interfaces. While the lite version offers basic features, the pro version unlo ...

MaterialPro Bootstrap Lite Free Material Design Admin

xplore our foundational dashboard featuring over 6 pages of templates and more than 10 UI components. Built with Bootstrap 5 and enriched by Material Icons, our responsive design ensures seamless navigation across pages. While offering easy customization, the dashboard includes illustrativ ...

MaterialPro Free NuxtJs Admin Template NuxtJs 3 + Vue3 Template

xplore our singular dashboard solution built on Vuetify 3, with over 6 pages and 4+ UI components. Seamlessly customize your experience with SaSS-based CSS, while enjoying complete responsiveness across pages. Incorporating Material Icons for enhanced visuals, though support services are n ...

MaterialPro React Admin Lite Free React 18+ Dashboard Template

ccess a foundational dashboard that includes over 7 templates and more than 4 UI components, all designed with the latest Reactstrap framework. Elevate user interaction with Material Icons and ensure seamless page responsiveness. This dashboard enables effortless customization, with no sup ...

Monster Next Js Admin Free Dashboard

nveiling 1 Fundamental Dashboard, featuring over 8 UI component pages and more than 8 templates. Leveraging the latest Reactstrap framework and incorporating Material Icons for a visually enriched experience. Achieve full responsiveness with SaSS-based CSS and customize effortlessly. Kindl ...

Xtreme Bootstrap Lite Free Vuejs Dashboard Template

treme BootstrapVue Lite is a foundational yet highly practical BootstrapVue dashboard template designed to meet your project needs. If you're searching for a contemporary and clean admin template for your backend project, Xtreme BootstrapVue is the optimal choice. Should your application r ...